Live Shots: Main Attrakionz and G-Side at Independent
Despite all the local and national attention Oakland's “Best Duo Ever” Main Attrakionz has been receiving lately, the Independent was less populated than I expected last Tuesday night. It was an...
View ArticleMain Attrakionz
On the Rise: East Bay rappers blow puffs of cloud-rapMain Attrakionz: "Only we know what they talking about."GUARDIAN PHOTO BY MIRISSA NEFFRelated: Bands on the Rise 2012Why is Oakland's Main...
View ArticleLadies and gentleman, hip-hop 2012: Kitty Pryde, Main Attrakionz, Hottub
Kitty Pryde and Main Attrakionz *at the same time*. Just like your Tumblr!GUARDIAN PHOTO BY CAITLIN DONOHUEConcurrent downlow Rusty Lazer set across the bridge at Ruby Room notwithstanding, Y3K at DNA...
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